What is an
Why should
I use eBooks?
Are all
eBooks the same?
How do I
get an eBook?
How do I
read an eBook?
How can
I find out about new eBooks that come out?
Do you
offer any eBooks I can get for FREE?
What is
this .ZIP thing?
How can
I get my other question(s) answered?
What is an eBook?
An eBook is an electronic Book - hence eBook. In
other words, an eBook is a Book that is stored as a file
on a computer.
Why should I use eBooks?
There are many reasons to use eBooks instead of
traditional paper bound books such as.... they are easier
to carry, they weigh nothing, they cost less (frequently)
and many, many more.
Are all eBooks the same?
As noted above, all eBooks are basically just PC files.
Most often they come in one of three (3) formats. These
File Type
Ends In
Adobe Acrobat
Popular eBook format because files run on PC's
and MACs and virtually all computers already have
Acrobat Reader software loaded on them.
Complied eBook
An eBook format that runs on PC's ONLY. Is most
often found with older eBooks.
Doc File
eBook provided in Word document format. Used
rarely but sometimes seen.
How do I get an eBook?
The most common way to get an eBook is to download it
directly to your PC over the Internet. This can usually be
done anytime day-or-night. Another way to get eBooks is to
order them on Pen-drive etc.
How do I read an eBook?
eBooks are usually read on your PC either by
double-clicking the eBook file itself to open it for
reading or by using special eBook "reader" software.
Here's how the popular formats work...
File Type
Ends In
Read By...
Adobe Acrobat
Use FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader for PC or Adobe
Acrobat Reader for hand-held devices. Note: Not
all eBooks will run on hand-held.
Complied eBook
Double-click file to open it for reading on PC.
Again, these files are most often PC ONLY!
Doc File
Use Microsoft word, or other appropriate software
to open/read file.
How can I find out about new eBooks
that come out?
The easiest way is to join our mailing list so we can
notify you when we add new titles to the site. You won't
find out about every new title this way...but you will
find out about a lot of 'em...and you'll get FREE eBooks,
FREE eReports and special Subscriber-Only sale
offers as well. Send mail to subscribe@infosols.com
Do you offer any eBooks I can get for FREE?
Absolutely! The best way to get them is to use the links
on the right-hand side of any eBook catalog page here at
Internet By The Book or
Visit www.infosols.com
What is this .ZIP thing?
.ZIP files are quite common on the Net. They are files,
or sets of files, stored in a highly
compressed (Zipped) format used primarily to reduce
download time and effort. To use the files in a ZIP, you
must first decompress (unZIP) them back to their
original state. This requires an UNZIP utility of some
kind. The two I recommend are...
Free at the time of writing